
Oxfam, the New Humanitarian and the monster within.

My article in reaction to the New Humanitarian article on Oxfam Iraq.

COmplex emergencies in Covid times

 I had the opportunity to work closely with Sphere team to select the topic and design the agenda as well as faciliatate the Sphere's webinar on Complex emergencies in Covid times that took place on October 2020.   Here is the link to the   SPhere Webinar

The People v. Beirutshima Regime. Observations From The Ground

Follow the link on our facebook page  

Report on Beirutshima

 Our timely report on Beirutshima  Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4

Who is vulnerable to Covid 19?

According to Key Humanitarian "parties",  people who are vulnerable to the virus include :  The Elderly, Health workers, Detainees, people with chronic diseases, the homeless and displaced/refugees so Let's distribute hygiene kits, do a couple of awareness sessions and call it a day! However, let alone the ever shifting characteristics of vulnerability depending on each context, Vulnerability to Covid19 needs to be seen through the lens of prevention not only dissemination, we need to talk about information and confinement. One of the most important vulnerability nowadays with this fast spreading disease is the lack of access to adequate fast and efficient information. Our classical means of spreading information are inadequate, our awareness sessions tools are too.  The most valuable and accurate information is available online for those who know where to look for it, and those who -let's face it- speak English ( for reasons of speed and accuracy)  Peop...

Say Cash for What ?

The definition of an Idea that speaks most to me is : a transcendent entity that is a real pattern of which existing things are imperfect representations This idea/Ideal pleases me because of its elusiveness but also for the implication it carries that we need to reach up for an idea. That creating is the art of reaching for the perfect to manifest something new , something necessarily flawed, something that makes a difference. It is trendy nowadays in the Humanitarian sector to speak of innovation, but beyond our jargon filled ways, what we need are new idea/l/s reflecting that we actually think, care, take risk and act. A new idea brings light, probably why ideas are represented as light bulbs, but when it brings cash for local organizations in Iraq… innovation be damned we are talking about Creating ! This is how the story goes: Following a depressing series of assessment visits to local organizations working in various areas in Iraq our doubts were confirmed: Mos...